VEXED is an animated satirical comedy set in a preposterous version of 1700’s England, centering around DAPHNE SLIPPINGTON, the always vexed lady of the manor, and PEE PEE, her newly hired Garden Hermit with a mysterious past. A visitor to Slippington Manor might describe it as a hellhole, but for our characters it’s an oasis, and it’s them against the world.

Tonally think Downton Abbey but really funny, or Another Period meets Archer. VEXED is a satirical take on modern culture viewed through the lens of 18th Century England. You know how we think we’re living in the worst time in this planets's history? Well buckle up guys, this is much worse, but somehow they still have all the same problems! 1785 has a printed internet, steampunk Peloton, and human versions of digital assistants! 

Created by Matt Yeager and Jeff Skowron

EP/Showrunner is Greg White (PUSS IN BOOTS- Disney/THE BEAST IN ME - FX)

Creative Producer/NWEP is Olivia Wingate for WINGATE MEDIA